Spring Means Change – MoodSurfing Update

Spring is in full bloom here in Northern California. Great, sunny, warm days followed by spring storms with clean crisp air and the vibrant greens of new grass and leaves.Perhaps because it is Spring, this has been a wonderful time of growth for the website.spring

  • We have a record number of visitors.
  • We recently moved the site to a much better server that should be more than able to handle the increased web traffic.
  • Our forum is busier and more lively than it has ever been – with several new members contributing new ideas and questions. Here is a link that explains how you can join. And if you are already a member, we encourage you to visit the forum and join the conversation!
  • We have been very pleased to have added the first of a series of posts from a new voice on this site: Dr. Suzanne Black, a psychologist who practices in New York and Paris, and specializes in working with people with bipolar.

As if all of that was not enough, it looks as though I will be having another author join me in the next week or two. She will be contributing to the site her insights as someone who has wrestled with bipolar for many years. She’s a very intelligent and quick-witted woman, who has a great sense of humor, and I think will add a great energy to the site.Meanwhile, if you have any comments or questions, or suggestions, or criticisms, I encourage you to e-mail me at peter@moodsurfing.com.

I hope you’re having a great Spring as well.