
Music and Art Bring Healing, Life
Music and Art Bring Healing, Life
Choirs and choral singing are being recognized as potent medicine for anxiety, depression, and loneliness, as research is beginning to show that group singing creates bonds between and among participants more quickly and dependably than other methods of community building. Writing in the Guardian, Kate Corbett-Winder describes her struggle with anxiety and panic attacks that seemed to have no cause in her life.  Using “traditional tools” such as therapy and medication, she got them under control, only to have them re-emerge about a year later.  This time, through therapy, she began to explore “what have I stopped doing that once made me me?” Remembering that in childhood and youth, creativity, art and music were a constant and important part of ... Read More
World Mental Health Awareness Day
World Mental Health Awareness Day
The World Health Organization celebrates World Mental Health Awareness Day on Oct. 10 each year. MoodSurfing salutes this effort and we hope to be a small, but meaningful part of building the world’s awareness of mental health. Over the past few years, we have lifted up the names of people from many walks of life who are dedicating themselves to reducing stigma and spreading the word about mental health and the treatment of mental illness. People such as: Devika Bhusan, Acting Surgeon General for the State of California who says: “our struggles are the source of our superpowers.” Singer-songwriter Mariah Carey: “I’m hopeful we can get to a place where the stigma is lifted from people going through anything alone.”  ... Read More
What’s My Life All About?
What’s My Life All About?
What’s my life all about? Why am I even here? Why is this [whatever it is] happening to me? If you’re like me, and, I think, most Americans, you were brought up to be practical and action-oriented, and not waste a lot of time thinking about “philosophical” questions like these. We pride ourselves on common sense, and “getting it done” not on self-analysis, reflection, or spiritual musings. Yet a surprising range of thinkers from ancient philosophers to modern medical insurance companies beg us to take another look at our own inner reality.  Patients with mental health problems consistently report significant gains in calm, focus, mood stability, energy and hopefulness when following mindfulness or meditation routines. While some may question whether ... Read More
Living with Moods
Living with Moods
Control your moods or live with them? A guy we’ve been working with for some time commented today that he didn’t want to focus on control of his moods. His focus is on living with them. This is an attitude that we often recommend to patients who have trouble accepting a diagnosis or a treatment option.  Acceptance of the reality of bipolar is the first step towards stability and recovery.  Some therapists speak of “acceptance” and the first step, and some even call it “radical acceptance”.  Marsha Linehan, a psychologist and writer says that radical acceptance means completely and totally accepting something, stopping the fight against reality, and ultimately, suffering less. Acceptance is not the same as fatalism, where “nothing ... Read More
Firearm Related Violence Is a Public Health Challenge
Firearm Related Violence Is a Public Health Challenge
Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon General, has called for a massive, nationwide campaign to reduce the harm related to firearm violence that is spreading throughout our society. “The collective trauma and fear that Americans are experiencing is contributing to the mental health challenges that we are facing today. Nearly 6 in 10 U.S. adults say they worry about a loved one being a victim of firearm violence.” Murthy said. His office has issued a landmark public health advisory, which calls for implementing community violence prevention programs and firearm risk reduction strategies; expanding research funding; and improving access to mental health care and support for those exposed to or at risk for firearm violence including trauma-informed care. People with mental illness ... Read More
Recovery from Bipolar
Recovery from Bipolar
Bipolar disorder is a chronic disease that can present lifelong challenges. However, remission rates and even complete recovery can and have been seen. Finding the factors associated with recovery from bipolar disorder can give us all hope, and also provide health care workers with specific strategies to enhance the possibilities of recovery. A recent Canadian study using data from the 2012 Canadian Community Health Survey-Mental Health looked at three levels of recovery from bipolar disorder: Remission of symptoms for the past year.  Individuals who have had no symptoms of bipolar disorder for a year are considered to be recovered.  However, other disorders/problems may be present. Absence of psychiatric disorders.  Based on no suicidal ideation in the past year, nor bipolar ... Read More

About MoodSurfing

Welcome to, the site that highlights strategies for living creatively with moods and coping with depression. This site is for people with bipolar, depression, cyclothymia, and others who experience powerful moods and want to figure out how to integrate these experiences into successful lives.

Although most of us are mental health clinicians of one kind or another, this site is not about providing people with medical or clinical advice (see below). We hope that we can help you cope with depression, maybe even allow you to live well with moods. 

If you like what you see here, be sure to sign up to get updated with new posts. 

We have done a series of interviews with people who have interesting things to say about different aspects of living creatively with moods. You can find those under the heading “Conversations.


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