Celebrate the Little Things

About now, we all start admitting that, for another year, we aren’t really going to stick to our New Year’s Resolutions and become better people this year.

Now is the time to change focus from resolutions for the future to celebration of the past and present.  Celebrate your achievements of the past year.  Things you never considered making a resolution about but life happened (I survived a pandemic!)  Things you wouldn’t have made a resolution about because they are too small (I cleared out two old file boxes and shredded a bunch of old paper).  Things that nobody would say “hey, good job!” about (I had coffee and conversation with some people I am shy of).

Celebrating the little things in life gives us hope to move forward.  It gives us brightness in the boring march of time.  Celebrating our achievements makes us realize that life is more than just getting by.  We are getting somewhere.  Celebrating achievements enables us to make more realistic plans for the future, because we have a clear idea of what we can get done and what we needed to do it.  Celebrating achievements gives us a starting point for the next step (now that I have those file boxes cleared out, I can look at this other stack of paper and decide what to save).

Together with fellow blogger James Edgar Frye, we celebrate his reaching the 300K views landmark on his blog.  MoodSurfing may have had some effect on hastening that because we highlighted James’s post on Avoidance Behavior back in 2018.  We are always looking for great materials on living with moods, so do send us links to articles and posts you like! 
