Many Voices

voicesWe’re very happy that there are now many more voices expressing themselves on this site. We have new authors who approach the issue of living creatively with moods from different perspectives: a professional woman with bi-polar, a psychologist expert in working with bi-polar individuals, another psychologist who is studying and fascinated by moods and their relationship to health and healthy living. It may seem like a confusing babble.

We hope not.

We hope that by having more than one voice, we recognize that there is not just one path to follow, that is the essence of the idea of “living creatively” with moods.

Each person has to create a successful adaptation for themselves. However, there are certain themes and things that are more or less likely to be helpful. We hope that you check up also on the commonalities.

Finally, we think that disagreement is good, and healthy. We hope that by having more than one voice, we can perhaps spark more dialog. We want to encourage all of our readers to feel free to post comments. Writing that you disagree with someone is potentially a creative expression in that it points to both commonalities and differences. For there to be significant dialog, however, merely commenting is not enough.

For that reason we encourage all of our readers, once again, to consider signing up for our forum. The hope that we’ll be able to bring all of our authors, as well as many of our readers, into an on-going dialog in a secure and safe environment.

Just to remind you, in order to participate in the forum, you have to sign-up for an account with, and then please send me an e-mail so that I can tell you the rest of the instructions,