Mental Health at the Exploratorium

exploratoriumI was intrigued to see that the newly reopened Exploratorium is hosting a temporary exhibit entitled The Changing Face of Normal devoted to exploring how the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) has changed over time and the various implications of psychiatric diagnosis for what we call “normal.”

There is an interesting interview in the Mental Health Matters series that is devoted to the exhibit with two of the curators. exploratorium

We would love to hear from readers who go to the exhibit – is it done well, too sensationalist, or unbalanced? Please either post as a comment to this post. Or email me and I will add it myself (

This is the beginning of what promises to be an interesting couple of months in the Bay Area.

Next month the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting comes to the Moscone Center in San Francisco. And part of that meeting will be the unveiling of the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5).

There should be plenty of excitement surrounding that unveiling, and probably plenty of controversy.