Starting a Forum

forumWe have finally gotten started with our online forum. This is a place where frequent visitors and subscribers can ask questions, make suggestions, offer advice, share wisdom, etcetera, related to living creatively with moods.

We want this forum to be lively, positive, candid and meaningful.

To that end we can promise that we will give top priority to answering questions and finding resources for you if you post on the forum.

Now a couple of details – this forum is hosted by Bublaa. We have set the security for the forum at the highest level because the topics that will be discussed are personal and we want to make sure that the focus is supportive and helpful. That means that if you want to join the forum we have to approve your request.

That means a couple of extra steps and we hope that we don’t discourage you in the process. Our pledge is this – if you want to join and participate we will get you on board one way or another. If you are having trouble email Peter at