Thank You

Thank youThank you all of my thoughtful readers, contributors, and people posting comments.

I am truly grateful for your willingness to spend your time making this site a little bit better, a little bit more useful.

I was reminded of how much I have to give thanks for by a wonderful post (in the member forum) by Kelsey Schraufnagel.

Kelsey shared some information about the process of giving thanks, and some research that suggests that if we did so more regularly our own health and mental health would improve.

I recently learned from a presentation by a colleague, that turns out, it is good for our health too! The Greater Good Science Center, located in Berkeley, is dedicated to the research and practice/application of gratitude as well as other important topics such as compassion, mindfulness, and empathy. They cite research that suggests engaging in gratitude practices can lead to stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure, increased mood and decreased anxiety, better relationships, and increased quality of sleep. Click this link to read about what gratitude is, why practicing gratitude is a good idea, and how to cultivate gratitude.

Follow the link and find a wonderfully thoughtful discussion about giving thanks.