MoodSurfing is dedicated to educating people about healthy ways to live with mental illness and to develop mental and physical wellness. In addition to that, we’d like to foster dialogue among people who share these interests.
What works in the battle against mental illness? What helps folks with bipolar live better? What keeps depression at bay and lets one live a fuller, more fulfilling life?
Please share your own ideas and responses so that we can all learn from each other. Conversation and exchange are the best ways to learn new skills, not just explaining what the skill is, but sharing with each other how it worked, what you tried and what you realized while trying a new approach to living with bipolar and/or major depression.
The blog uses Disqus for comments, which you can see if you scroll all the way down to the bottom, past “related” and “also on MoodSurfing” until you reach “What do you think?”. At this point, you have to sign in to Disqus, either using your Facebook, Gmail, or Twitter account, or by making a Disqus account, which is what we recommend. You only have to give your name, email address and a phone number in order to open a Disqus account, and it allows you to comment on any site using it, across platforms such as Word Press, Blogger and others.
We moderate all comments so yours will not appear immediately, but we aim for no more than 24 hours of turnaround time for comments, so a lively conversation should always be possible. Naturally, we expect everyone to be civil in commenting, but we can certainly have some disagreements and alternative points of view coming from readers. We look forward to seeing your input!
Here are a couple of examples of MoodSurfing posts that have generated discussion: