
What is catastrophism?  Even if it’s realistic to know that there are forces able to wipe out your home, job, possessions, and community in a single stroke, worrying about the catastrophe maybe coming today or tomorrow can harm your health without improving your chances of escape.

Anybody going in for medical checks and tests knows the feeling, but now, if you are a homeowner in a fire- or hurricane-prone area, or the parent of a transgender child, or if you have somebody undocumented in your family circle, you are worrying.

However, allowing your mind to go over and over the worst possible events until you are unable to stop thinking about the danger doesn’t help you prepare.  The goal here is to increase your resilience, mental and emotional strength, and self confidence so that you are becoming more and more ready to face and triumph over whatever comes.

Often, just trying to “be realistic” is not helpful.  Catastrophism makes us think that the worst possible outcome is very likely, when, objectively, it may not be.  Even while great upheavals are going on, there are vast majorities, even from among the most affected populations, who go on with their lives undisturbed.

Mindfulness exercises are frequently recommended for catastrophism because living in the present is always more healthful and actionable than allowing your mind to remain in the unknown and unknowable future.  Closely connected with this is learning to pay attention to the positive.  That doesn’t mean “look at the bright side” or “count your blessings”.  It means considering carefully all the resources around and within you and observing positive trends and developments you can build on.

Another cluster of strategies for countering catastrophism is to work on accepting that life holds a lot of uncertainties.  We wish we could know the future, but we don’t.  Allied with this mindset is giving consideration to what  can realistically be done to prepare.  There are actions you can take no matter how dark the horizon, and taking action is a way to break the cycle of anxiety.  You may not be able to “solve” the root problem, but there is a lot you can do to mitigate situations that may arise.  Make a “go-bag”; write your will; memorize family phone numbers; talk with your kids about safe places to go if they can’t find you.

Community and family support is critical.  Those networks of people who feed your pets when you’re away and check in with you when you’re sick are the lifeblood of countering catastrophe.  Reach out to your neighbors and talk with them about what you can all do to make life in the neighborhood safer for everyone.  Host a block party, make someone a casserole, offer to pray for them if they’re sick.  All of these actions are simple to take and help stabilize our sense of safety and presence in the world.

Life can be fearsome, but every one of us is descended from a long line of survivors.  This generation can do it, too.