Holiday Celebrations

Holiday stress is a big topic every year, but 2020 is the champion year of stressfulness!  And now the holiday season on top of it all.  Take a few minutes to reflect on what’s ahead for the next few weeks. First of all, like everyone else, we implore you to stay safe and stay home.  Sure, nobody wants to stay …

Surviving Christmas Holidays

Survival Strategies for the Holidays Reviewed

Why should you need survival strategies for the holidays? Aren’t they supposed to be fun? That’s part of the problem of course, there are so many expectations and hopes wrapped up in holiday season that it’s easy to end up feeling disappointed. If things haven’t worked out for you in a relationship or someone close to you is passed away this …

Holiday Stress

Holiday Stress – Nancy

Holidays!  So much to juggle, so many moods to surf, so much holiday stress! Moodsurfing has looked at holiday stress from a number of angles over the years, and we have come up with a collection of reminders to help you keep on top of everything at this time of year when everything seems more volatile and emotional. While depression …

Holiday Planning – Gina

The holidays can be a hard time of year for many people, which makes holiday planning such a challenge, and so important. The holidays can disrupt daily routines and schedules, cause financial stress, be associated with increased drinking and family functions that can be stressful for anyone. For those living with bipolar disorder, this time of year can be especially …

Sad Christmas

This will be a sad Christmas or some of those reading this post. You should not feel alone. I think that all of us can recall past Christmases there were disappointing or sad. We pass over these memories quickly sometimes. It’s not okay to be sad at Christmas time. Exactly how that should work, how it is that we should …