True Self Care

Self-care is critical for a healthy life.  Because we can’t meet others’ needs if our own go unheeded.  Because to lead by example for our families, for our workplaces, for our communities, we have to show what a healthy life looks like.  Because self-care is not a reward, it’s the basic fuel that keeps the whole show running. But how …

Resources for ADHD

We want to highlight the work, and especially the website of Cara T Hoepner MS, RN, CS, PMHNP-BC, a Bay Area colleague of ours who has spent years investigating whole-body treatments for traditional and integrative psychiatry.  Recently, we reached out to her for consultation with a particular patient, and found out that she has a huge amount to offer all …

UCSF Psycho-Educational Zoom Group for Adults with Bipolar Disorder – June 2023

The Adult Psychiatry Clinic at UCSF has released the schedules of their Group Psycho-Education for Bipolar Disorder for June 2023. This activity under the Bipolar Disorder Program of the Department of Psychiatry is aimed at providing a community resource for individuals with bipolar disorder, mental health professionals and psychiatrists. Headed by Dr. Descartes Li, the program director, it is designed …

Diagnosing Bipolar II

Bipolar Disorder II is less well understood than BP I, even though the rate of prevalence in the wider population seems to be about equal.  Previously considered a “lesser form” of bipolar, doctors note that rates of illness severity and suicide risk are very comparable in the two forms of bipolar.  Less research has been done on BP II, with …

Healthy Breathing

Are you breathing wrong? Breathing is about the most basic thing we do as living beings, and it’s hard to imagine there being a right and wrong way to do it, but experts say that constant high stress stimulates rapid, shallow breathing, which raises the heart rate, suppresses digestion, and heightens the brain’s tendency to detect danger, whether real or …

Using Cannabis for Sleep

Using cannabis to help you sleep: do your research first In popular culture, pot is supposed to make you calm and sleepy, so it seems to make sense that if you’re having trouble getting to sleep, marijuana might be the way to go.  As it becomes legal in more states for medical use, and even for recreational purposes, more and …


New smartphone app shows promise in control of bipolar Apps, apps everywhere!  There are hundreds of apps you can download to your phone or computer that are supposed to help you live a healthier lifestyle.  But, sadly, we know that many of them are just money-makers, with no clinical research or experience backing them up.  We’ve been following the field …

Late Night Meals

Late night meals limit weight loss Does it matter what time of day you eat meals if you are trying to lose weight?  Until recently, dieticians encouraged dieters to concentrate on the number of calories consumed, no matter what the time of day.  New research, however, is showing distinct differences in the effect of consuming heavy meals in the morning …

Bollywood posters

Mental Illness in India

Even today, people still have a lot of stereotypes about mental illness, and one of them is that it’s a “First World” problem, meaning that people in poorer places don’t have time for mental illness.  But studies consistently find that rates of severe mental illness are pretty constant across economic, religious, cultural and geographic boundaries.  Here are some stories from …

Mindfulness and Anxiety

More evidence for Mindfulness Mindfulness practices continue to gain in acceptability and evidence of effectiveness in a variety of settings.  MoodSurfing has reported on several of these studies in the past, and we continue to monitor the state of the current research.  A recent study1 looked at anxiety and considered pharmaceutical intervention compared with Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), finding similar …

How To Get Motivated for Change

New Year’s resolutions actually tap into a very strong human impulse to create start-over points in our lives and to use them to motivate improvements that we wish to incorporate into our regular lives.  Internet searches for items like “diet” and “gym” that may be prompted by a desire to do something healthy show increased activity around the first day …

New Year’s Resolutions

How to make New Year’s Resolutions What is a New Year’s resolution, anyway?  Are you always determined to make yourself a better person than you were before?  Or is it more like the wish you make when you blow out your birthday candles: quickly thought up and quickly forgotten? Before you set this weight loss goal or that gym membership …

Creativity and Mood

Is it true that people with mental illness, particularly mood disorders, are more creative?  Or do creative people more often develop mental illness?  Does the medication given for mood swings dampen creativity?  Are there different types of creativity that manifest themselves during heightened, depressed and normal moods?  What is creativity, anyway? These are hotly debated questions but clear guidance is …

Holidays and Mood

It’s coming again: the holiday season!  Intended as a time-out; a time to take a break from work, enjoy life for a while, share gifts, and eat great food, the holiday season in our complex society has become a stressor, not a relaxer.  But stressful or not, the holidays come every year, and we all have to figure out how …

How To Overcome Perfectionism

Perfectionism is defined as refusing to accept anything except flawlessness.  At first glance, this may seem like an admirable trait that will lead to, if not perfection, at least much higher quality in everything we do.  However, perfectionism doesn’t work that way, it makes sufferers fearful of attempting anything that may turn out to have flaws.  Human life being what …

Block Out Blue Light at Night

Electronic screens of all kinds emit light, especially from the blue end of the color spectrum, and blue light is known to increase insomnia and disrupt circadian rhythms.  Our ancestors woke up when the sun rose, and went to bed when it set, with maybe a brief lengthening of waking times using firelight or lamplight.  Nowadays, however, we have light, …

Selena Gomez Documentary

The actress and singer Selena Gomez has just released a documentary: “My mind and me”, available on Apple+ TV.  In the documentary, Gomez describes her struggle with the autoimmune disease, lupus, in parallel with severe bipolar disorder.  For several years, she suffered from extreme mood swings and dangerous manic episodes followed by depressive episodes when she couldn’t get out of …

Exercise and Bipolar

Abundant evidence shows that exercise is helpful in depression and anxiety, in fact, some specialists suggest that exercise should be the first intervention attempted in cases of mild to moderate depression.  However, research into the relationship of exercise and bipolar has been spotty, at best. The available studies have used very small study groups, and have not considered different types …

Pandemic Personality Change?

As the global Covid-19 pandemic winds down and people return to work and school, many are experiencing feelings of discomfort with face-to-face interactions that, once, were normal everyday occurrences.  People are feeling “weird” about being in public spaces and interacting with teams, workgroups, staffs, or classes full of people. Data from the “Understanding America Study” an ongoing internet panel at …