
Who Matters?  Do you? Mattering is an important component of well-being Struggling with depression, Isaac slept late every morning, just dashing out in time to be “only a little” late to work each day.  His apartment never got cleaned, and meals were a hit-and-miss combination of takeout and supermarket junk food.  Then his mom went on vacation and brought her …

Mood Charting

What is Mood Charting, and why do we think it’s so important? In simple terms, mood charting is making notes, either on paper or electronically, about what your mood is at about the same time each day.  The chart can include other data points, such as hours of sleep, or type and duration of exercise, but the main idea is …


It’s Amazing! Managing a chronic disorder or illness can seem like a full-time job.  Taking the medication, wondering about the medication, getting to all the therapists’ appointments, watching the diet, getting enough sleep, keeping the house clean and paying the bills each month.  Whew!  There’s no time in life for stopping and smelling roses. And what about those roses?  How …

Medication and Stigma

Why are some illnesses and conditions stigmatized while others are not?  Writing in the New York Times, Dr. Aaron Carroll, chief health officer of Indiana University, suggests that stigma arises when we don’t understand the causes of a condition.  Mental disorders like bipolar and supposedly “lifestyle” problems like obesity and alcoholism may appear to be more under the control of …

Every Day is Suicide Prevention Day

September 10 has been designated as Suicide Prevention Day in the United States, and each year that day provides everyone a chance to stop and reflect.  Suicide causes more deaths annually than violent crime, accidents, and smoking.  In every age group, beginning from age 10, suicide is one of the major causes of death.  We don’t seem to be doing …


Dependence: Problem or not?  Consider the many ways you are dependent on others, on the Earth, and on the invisible structures of society to get by in life.  Consider whether our culture’s constant harping on independence is realistic or healthy.  Today, let’s explore the positive sides of being dependent.  It may turn out to be the more realistic way of …

Stress and Depression

Exploring the links between stress, anxiety, and depression Stress and mental illness The stress response is unfortunately very familiar to modern people.  We all know that when something bad happens, our brains flood our bodies with chemicals that would have been useful in the remote past, stimulating the “fight, flight, or freeze” response.  Useful for dealing with a hungry sabre-toothed …

Bipolar or Unipolar Depression?

If you have an episode of depression, how can you tell if it is bipolar or unipolar depression? The simple answer is, you have bipolar depression if you have ever experienced an energized (not necessarily pleasant) state that qualified as a hypomanic or manic episode. And if you only have had depressed episodes, you are considered to have unipolar depression. …

Insomnia and Poverty

Insomnia and struggle Poverty and social deprivation are better indicators of the risk of poor sleep than sex, income level, age, employment or education.  An analysis of a public health information database in the U.K. looked at the responses of 500,000 people and found that almost one-third of them reported sleeping less or more than the recommended 7 hours per …

Cultivate Wisdom

Why are we too shy to own our wisdom?  I’ve seen teenagers and young adults come out with deep, powerful words from the heart, but at some stage, we learn to say anything like that with a self-deprecating giggle: “don’t take this too seriously-I’m just me”. Anybody who’s been through a few decades of life has gained experience, insight, and …

Marijuana and Bipolar

Marijuana and Bipolar-Yes or No? The use of marijuana in treating many and various illnesses is a hot topic among many of our San Francisco-area patients.  Since legalization for medical uses, and even for recreation, seems to be spreading throughout the country, more and more people are looking into helpful uses for this ancient but little-understood plant. However, medical advice …

Is Joy Something You Find or Make?

Positive emotions are supposed to be great for you, and of course it feels better to be happy than sad.  But so what?  If sadness is where you are, what’s the point of lecturing yourself to “be more positive”? Before we start lecturing ourselves or others about what emotions we are supposed to be feeling in any given situation, it …

Modern Sleep Patterns

Insomnia is complicated! Poor sleep and feeling tired are one of the topics that we engage in the most with our patients who experience depressed and/or elevated moods.  We have found that there is a very strong belief among Americans that 8 hours’ sleep is the ideal towards which we should always be striving.  This paradigm comes from the early …

Tending to Relationships

Tending to relationships is as important as watching cholesterol An 80-year-old longitudinal study of men, originally Harvard undergrads in the late 1930’s, looks at the determinants of good health, and has some surprising findings.  Men who, in their 50’s felt “satisfaction” with their relationships with family, friends, and community had better overall health in the subsequent decades of life.  Blood …

Mental Health Care Works!

A new campaign launched by the American Psychiatric Association Foundation aims to change the conversation around mental wellness and illness from anti-stigma to prioritizing mental health in the same way we have prioritized physical health. APA CEO and Medical Director Saul Levin, M.D. said: “we all know there is no health without mental health.  [This campaign is about] saying to …

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

We’ve come a long way!  We now have a whole month for mental health awareness, and we have seen real awareness growing in so many ways throughout our society.  While stigma remains, it is much easier now to speak out, discuss the issues and educate people about mental illness and mental health. MoodSurfing has been celebrating people, famous and not …